I walked past the place I stayed at during my visit last year. It's closed for renovations.

For those who don't know, one of my reasons for coming here is to research historic cemeteries. I'm a volunteer for FindAGrave.com, a website whose goal is to become a comprehensive listing of cemeteries and interments. It's an odd hobby, to be sure, but I love the history, the detective work and the travel involved.
So I went to the Protestant Cemetery. On the way, I passed by this place, with an interesting name.

At the Protestant Cemetery, I found dozens of graves I missed during my transcription effort last year.

The yellow flame trees (Peltophorum pterocarpum) were in bloom at the cemetery. Fallen flowers coated some tombs.

I also transcribed about 10 more graves from the adjacent Catholic Cemetery. But I was soon chased out by some huge ants!
The plumeria was in bloom too.

Then I went to the Jewish Cemetery.

At the Jewish Cemetery, I found some graves I missed last year. The caretaker showed me one corner that I hadn't seen before, and he gave me some stones to place on the graves.
Then I went for some dinner... I had some kuay teow (a tasty stir-fried noodle dish) at a coffee shop I visited last year... one that claims to be "runned by a small modal". I looked around, but didn't see any small modals.
Tomorrow, I will either go to Batu Gajah or Taiping, depending on what time I get up.