Went to the hostel I stayed at last year, 100 Cintra, but they're closed for renovations. My second choice, the popular Blue Diamond, was full. So I went to my third choice, the Oasis Hotel, which was once the popular backpacker hangout Swiss Hotel until the owner sold the place to another local hotel operator. It's a little worse for the wear from what I remember, but they're the same price as the place I stayed last year, and they have free wireless Internet!!
I still had an hour of daylight left, so I went exploring.
St. George's Church, closed for badly needed renovations.

Chinese lanterns and Kapitan Keling Mosque

Devotions inside Sri Mariamman Temple

A Hindu shrine

Some lanterns at a Chinese temple

The amazing thing is that all these places of worship, of so many different religions, are within a couple blocks of each other.
Now for some well-deserved sleep!