Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In Bangkok!

Today we went to Wat Benchamabophit, known as the Marble Temple. Absolutely beautiful.

On the grounds of the temple was this amazing tree. It's called a cannonball tree (Couroupita guianensis). It has snake-like stalks that grow off the lower part of the trunk, at the end of which are these pink flowers. The fruits look like brown coconuts.

I made a side trip to the Bangkok Protestant Cemetery, only to find it was flooded from recent rains! Next time I should be sure to come here in the dry season!

However, despite the flooding, they had done some fantastic sprucing up of the cemetery, clearing out thick underbrush and planting new plants, including a bunch of young frangipani trees. After all, what's a Southeast Asian cemetery without frangipani?

Wat Arun at sunset.