We decided to choose one of our favorite destinations: the Wantan River, which Robert and I encountered almost two years ago on our epic multi-day hike through the mountains to the east coast.
Here we are at the trailhead, preparing for a wonderful afternoon of sun and fun. From left to right it's Kitty, Kate, Neil and Robert. Unfortunately in this shot you can't see any of their faces!

The hike itself is actually very short - the swimming hole is only about a kilometer in from the trailhead by the Chang Family Campground. It's a short trek through the jungle.

About 20 minutes later we emerged at the farm where our swimming hole is.

By the way, the Chinese sign above says Prevent Forest Fires.
Right by the river there's a little beach-like area. Apparently people camp here, because we usually find leftovers of a campfire and some garbage that thoughtless people leave here. But each time we come, we always pick up the garbage and haul it out. Fortunately it's usually confined to a small area.

And into the river!

And a little spelunking...

...but nothing of interest was in the cave.
The water here is very clean, and is teeming with small fish.
The following picture was taken by Kate: it's Robert, Neil and me sitting on a rocky ledge having a lively discussion about Taiwan politics.

Afterwards we went downstream briefly to take a look at the next pool, and we swam there briefly:

Here comes Kate, scrambling over the rocks:

Here we are back at the "beach", sitting on logs and rocks and chatting:

On the drive home, we decided that since it was such a clear day we should take a scenic route, and so we drove through the tea plantations of Pinglin.

Here's a picturesque little tea village:

Then back to Taipei, where we got together with Patty and ate at a Thai restaurant in Muzha.